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Goals of openabdomen.org

Synopsis of this website

Openabdomen.org wants improve patient care by providing detailed information for surgeons and patients alike to help them understand, utilize and explain causes leading to the need for a PLANNED OPEN ABDOMEN and by offering information about surgical and non-surgical treatments in detail and state of the art information on the science of abdominal compartment syndrome and other underlying diseases which cause the difficult to treat abdomen. I also present a detailed description of the STAR (staged abdominal repair) methodology from simple decompression to complex procedures with multiple (sometime more than 20)) abdominal re-entries to assure complete source control and final cure. The following synominous terminology has been used:

STAR, Staged abdominal Repair (1991)
Damage Control and Repair - DC&R (2015)
Etappenlavage (1985), the original name.

Remark: I gave up the original name Etappenlavage because the main focus is the REPAIR in multipe steps or stages, not the lavage (cleansing of the abdominal cavity)
Also, while the term "Damage Control" has become common but is used diffusely, it does not address the importance of repair and potential multiple laparotomies and re-laparotomies.

Synopsis of Operative Technique

Staged abdominal repair (STAR) is one operation consisting of multiple abdominal entries planned either before or during the first (index) STAR which are performed every 24-48 hours until final fascial closure is accomplished. The operatice tactic includes:

  • Closing the abdomen with a dynamic fascial expander prosthesis (Fascia Prosthesis);
  • Preventing fascial retraction;
  • Controlling intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Reversing pulmonary, renal, CV, hepatic and intestinal dysfunction;
  • Fascial closure after the last abdominal entry.

Although a laparotomy or single abdominal entry is routine for the general surgeon, multiple sequential abdominal entries require more attention to detail with respect to timing, infrastructure & operative manipulations such resections & excisions as well as suturing leaks & anastomoses.

EXAMPLE CASE: Seven days from severe pritonitis with massive abdominal compartment syndrome to final skin closure and hosptal discharge

The case below demonstrates nicely the power of the method and strategy of Staged Abdominal Repair or Damage Control & Repair to solve desolate cases. The patient came together with his surgeon with a septic abdomen seven weeks after a missed appendix perforation. The surgeon was seeking help because she could not close the abdomen after reoxploratin for persistent infection and sutured a Vicryl© mesh to temporarely close the midline wound. She also closed the appendectomy wound with a Vicryl© mesh.
At STAR entry #1 the bowel looked very inflammatory and edematous because a missed huge sub hepatic abscess within the lesser sack was maintaiung inflammation. During STAR # 1 we evacuated the lesser sack abscess. After copious irrigation with R/L we inspected the entire abdominal cavity (the appendix stump had healed well) and we closed temporaraly using the artificial bur fascia prosthesis and hypopack (not shown here).
Subsequent pictures below show the healing process during reduction of the inflammatory edema, the technique of opening and closing the bur fascia prosthesis, its trimming to adjust to the narrower opening and, final closure after seven abdominal entries. Note that at final fascial closure a little more tension goes unpunished because after many re-openings local defense is well established in within the wound an form of healthy granuation tissue as a reponse of inflasmmation. The healty inflammatory granulation tissue with its established local defense contrasts to a normal to the wound after a one time laparotomy with its defenseless virgin tissue. On post STAR day # 1 I discontinued antibiotics, on post Star day #5 there was a bowl movement and on post STAR day #6 the patient was discharged. I saw him one year later without evidence of a hernia or other abdominal discomfort.

Missed appendix perforation and severe abdominal compartment syndrome (pictures shown abve)

This 13 year old boy had an appendectomy 9 days after onset of symptoms, because his condition was misdiagnosed as influenza. Ten days after resection of the perforated appendix, peritonitis persisted and abdominal re-explorations through a midline incision for multiple intra-abdominal abscesses became necessary. (More detailed information is displayed under CASES from MCW case#111).

To see details of this case, please click the following link:

Case 111: STAR for diffuse peritonitis with abdominal compartment syndrome

Treated by Dietmar Wittmann, MD, PhD, FACS

Original Fascia Prosthesis (left) with Hypopack (right)

Fascia Prosthesis in situ Hypopack on top Fascia Prosthesis

Development of Original Fascia Prosthesis

As designed and tested from 1987 to 2000 by Prof. D.H. Wittmann to treat the planned open abdomen, measure antibiotic levels to taylor therapy to measure protein losses for adequate replacements with, and to prevent exogenous containation of the abdominal cavity